Messages from Spirit 6/9/15


Today we have the image of a woman-“Tess” or “Theresa”. She is in her mid fifties, with short, curly ash blonde hair. She is wearing glasses and a cardigan sweater. “Schoolteacher” …images come of a darkened room, and then the images shift to a woman in a nun’s habit. Another woman comes “Angie” or “Angela”. I get the word “Bismark” and the image of a tea cup and saucer. Next comes the image of a priest- the name “O’Malley” and an image of last rites being given.  The names “Buddy” and “Michael” come through.  Now the words “St. Mary’s” …I see rows of tombstones. I get the words “Pain in the bones-bone cancer” …next comes an image of a man with stigmata …”Padre Pio” (?)

if these images mean anything to anyone, please contact me….