Spirit Voices! 10/21/15


I’m getting the distinct impression of the Spirit of a young child…a bit older than a toddler…very light hair and blue eyes. He appears to be on the beach in summer, his is with an older woman, perhaps his grandmother. The scene jumps forward to the child again at the age of 5 or 6, in a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes and a breathing machine. The boy passed from some rare disease. this happened recently. The boy’s Spirit has been visiting his family lately. He is moving his old toys around…particularly a teddy bear, that I believe was a present from his grandmother. He also affects the lights in the house, making them flicker. His message is that he is ok, happy and with his grandfather. If this makes any sense to you please comment below!

I have finally gotten the appointments page working correctly…so you should have no trouble scheduling your phone reading!

Friday is my last Ghost Walk for the season at Historic Cold Spring Village…it starts at 7PM, and reservations are recommended!! I hope to be doing more of these next year.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


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