Spirit Voices! 10/23/15


Spirits abound! Messages coming through! The days until Hallowe’en/Samhain?Allelieweziel are coming to a close and as each day passes the veil between the worlds grows thinner and thinner!

Pictured above is the Spicer Leaming house at Historic Cold Spring Village one of the houses with a great deal of Spirit activity. There is a connection with this house to Elizabeth Garlick, a woman who was tried in East Hampton, Long Island, on the charges that she bewitched the wealthy and influential Gardenir family. She was acquitted, but only because the magister was afraid to anger the Devil by punishing her. She later moved to Cape May and her daughter married Aaron Leaming friend, contemporary and relative (by marriage) of Jacob Spicer Esq. whose family built Neck Farm in Cold Spring. Jacobs daughter married Christopher Leaming nephew of Aaron. The Spicer Leaming house, was the farmstead on Neck Farm. There are Spirits residing in this house, and you can hear about them on the last 2 Ghost walks at the Village tonight at 7PM and tomorrow night at the same time….reservations are highly recommended!! I will be doing tonight’s tour.

I have availability for phone readings this weekend and have some group reading availability in November.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott



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