Spirit Voices! 10/28/15


It’s the Hallowe’en season! Just a few more days before Hallowe’en/Samhain/Allelieweziel! Ive gotten most of the Hallowe’en display  purchased, but am refraining putting it up before the actual day…the horrors we’ve purchased are for the most part designed to give the trick or treaters a bit of a fright before getting their candy….I’m thinking that one of the props particularly will do this in a big way!

I’ve added a link to Click4advisor to the website to give yet another way for people to reach me…especially those who were clients on Keen.com (the keen platform isn’t working very well these days)…Click4advisor is a safe. secure method of contacting me…of course it’s in addition to my private line which is less expensive.

Today I’m receiving the impressions of a man in his late 60’s, someone with the beginnings of Alzheimer’s disease…he was being cared for by his wife, but the rest of his family somewhat deserted him. his name is Frank and he passed within a year of his diagnoses. He is, in Spirit, clear in his thoughts now, and wants his family to know that he forgives them. I get the place name “Roxborough”.

I have openings for phone readings today both on my private line and Click4advisor.  I have some group reading openings for November as well.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott



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