Spirit Voices! 11/19.15


Rainy. gloomy day here in Cape May, but at least its still warm for November! I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving…time is flying by and soon winter will set in here.

I haven’t posted in a few days too many mundane things keeping me from the internet, hopefully I’ll be able to do daily updates again now.

I have the Spirit of an older man who is despondent….he died alone and in a small apartment with no family or friends…he is thin and tall with dark hair that is greying and a sallow countenance. He died from a digestive issue, and remains in the apartment which is now occupied by a young family with two children. the younger of the two, sees his Spirit often, but the family doesn’t believe him. I get the name Nantucket and the name Jim or James…

I have availability for group readings in the Cape May area throughout November and December….and as always i am available for phone readings most nights…

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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