Spirit Voices! 1/13/16


Today I’m receiving the impression of a woman dressed in Victorian fashion, perhaps 1880’s…she is strolling down the street pushing a perambulator…i see a man with a bowler style hat as well…The image of the perfect Victorian family….they walk into a federal revival style home…I feel that they tragically died due to a fire in the same home, although the house survived although heavily damaged. The home was restored, but the former occupants never left. They go about their business seeing the house in its original state. The current occupants can see them occasionally. I get the name Jackson, and the impression of a large black bird.

In mundane things:

We have a few potential Psychics lined up for a new venture coming after mercury goes direct…We’re always looking for more initiatives though, so if you have an interest, please contact us.

Historic Cold Spring Village will be doing a Paranormal weekend event in August….they have a need for someone adept at dowsing and also a phrenologist…please contact me if either of these are your forte. Additionally there will be an event in May at the Village that portents to be a great deal of fun…I’ll have more information on that in the coming months. Oh and the Ghost walks will return in July so look for information on that as well.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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