Spirit Voices! 1/15/16


I am receiving the image of a old man,,,,he is a farmer and working in his kitchen garden…I see him as tall and thin wearing suspenders and a straw hat. He seems weary as if he has the will to do the work, but his body no longer cooperates with him. My feeling is that his wife passed before him and moved on, but he is stuck still trying to make the garden grow for her. He seems somehow to have disappointed her in some small way in life and is trying to make things right in the only way he can. He is in the garden still, although he passed many years ago. The farm is now a housing development and the garden plot is in the yard of a modern home.  The man can be seen by those who are sensitive, and can be heard toiling on his plot of land even by those less so.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings via my private line this evening and I have openings for group readings throughout January and February, weather permitting. In addition to the new project that I’ve mentioned earlier (more on that soon) I will have another change to some of my offerings here, Those new offerings will premier soon after mercury goes direct.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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