Spirit Voices! 1/19/16


Today I’m receiving and image of a Tall and dark skinned man…he is wearing a black fedora style hat and a long dark coat, he is perhaps as old as 90…it is winter and he is bundled up against the cold. I feel that he was a cobbler or a cord-wain in life and that his business was going south before he passed, he is in a city setting and owned his own home, and passed in the house in the early morning hours…he lived alone. The house is currently occupied by a young family…most of the family are unaware of his presence, but one child can see him and the animals of the house react to his presence. My impression is that this house is in Philadelphia, maybe in the Fishtown section. I get the impression of a saxophone as well, but am unsure of the connection.

In mundane things, I’m still working on the new venture and I will have info as soon as I possibly can. I have availability for phone readings this evening and I still have some availability for group readings but only if the weather permits. I hate winter.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


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