Spirit Voices! 1/26/16


I’m trying to look for some Springtime! We fared fairly well through the Blizzard. Snow totals were not as bad here in Cape May as in the rest of NJ, but we did have some major flooding on the barrier islands…We didn’t loose electric at all which was a plus and unusual as most  of the rest of the county lost utilities for quite some time…Luck was with us here!

I have availability for phone readings today and tonight, both on my private line and Keen.com…The information on the new venture is pending and I’ll send information to those of you who showed interest shortly…I have been waiting for Mercury to go direct before starting this venture…

We are planning some events at Historic Cold Spring Village this summer so keep watching here for more details!

Spirit Voices should resume tomorrow.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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