Spirit Voices! 2/5/16


It’s snowing today, which is quite surprising as it was 60 degrees yesterday and it’s still in the upper 30’s today….thankfully the weather is expected to be warm enough that any snow laying should melt quickly.

I am receiving the images of a young man, very thin with light hair and tattoos…he is not clean shaven and his hair is rather long and shaggy. I see him around a groups of others that don’t seem to have his good interests at heart. My impression is that he passed from an overdose of 2 drugs, one being heroin, and the other is unknown. I feel that his body wasn’t discovered for a few hours, and he died completely alone, he seems to haunt the area where he died as if he isn’t aware that he passed. I see others around him…a woman and a man in Spirit, but they can’t seem to get through to him….There are people in the flesh around him too, but they don’t know that he’s there. He seems to be repeating the behavior that landed him in his state. There is hope for him though, because he sees a light and hears a bell ringing which may bring him out of this torpor, if he would only trust.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings both today and tonight…


If you don’t see me available, just arrange a call and I’ll get to you as soon as I can!

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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