Spirit Voices! 2/10/16


Es Gibt Schnee heit! Well a little bit anyway, and much colder weather is in store for the weekend. Oh well, spring will come sooner or later.

Today I will be trying to connect with the Spirit of Elizabeth Hardie Garlick Parsons….An early founder of the Rio Grande, NJ Area.. She was accused in East Hampton Long Island of witchcraft, for bewitching the daughter of Lionel Gardinier. Her trial was in Connecticut and she was acquitted of the charges, but only because the magistrate were afraid of angering the Devil by prosecuting her. She fled Long Island and came to Cape May. Her daughter Lydia married Aaron Leaming and through him the connection to Historic Cold Spring Village was established. (Her great nephew Spicer Leaming was the builder of the Spicer Leaming house, which is one of the buildings at the village.)  I’ll let you know the results of my contact.


In mundane things:

I will be available for phone readings later today and this evening.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


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