Spirit Voices! 2/14/16


I spent last evening at a benefit for the Animal Outreach of Cape May…It was a wonderful event that raised a great deal of money for one of our local animal shelters. I’m happy to have attended, and glad so many others did as well.

Today is Valentines day, a day that frankly means very little to me, but I realize that it’s very important to a lot of people. Just remember that if you’re alone on this day, whether by choice or not, that you can find love in your life, by just looking around you…it is seen in the many small things that people do or say to you…no one is truly alone!

Spirits are in a state of chaos the last two days, and I’m getting a great deal of activity, nothing specific, but tension is rising, so I’m feeling that something big is about to happen on the global scale,,,we shall see.

In mundane things:

I will be available for phone readings this evening…just click the button on the website to be connected….

Machts Gut!

R. Scott



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