Spirit Voices! 2/16/16


Strange dreams and strange impressions lead me to believe that something big is about to happen on the world stage. I can’t get a handle on the dreams but suffice it to say they are filled with images and communications from the strangest of Spirits. As I said the other day the Spiritual world is very active on our plane. Watch for certain signs and symbols over the next weeks…

I’m receiving the impression of a young man, in his early 20’s…tall and thin, black with natural styled hair…the victim, of a shooting, but in no way was it his fault…He was returning from a small grocery with a few items for his grandmother with whom he lived. He was caught unexpectedly in the crossfire of some type of gang related activity…after his death it was said that he was part of that activity…His Spirit wants to say that that was not so….

In mundane things:

I will be available for phone readings today and tonight.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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