Spirit Voices! 2/19/16


I’m running a bit behind today, many, many mundane matters on my plate, nevertheless, I am receiving the impression of an older black woman, she sits in a lonely apartment, pining over the many losses she’s had in the last years of her life. I see her eating some soup from an ancient and chipped ceramic bowl, and then retiring to bed….the image shifts to a cat, the last friend she had in life. The woman passes quickly in her sleep, and is found by a neighbor boy the next morning. Her Spirit seems to cling to the place, and she seems to be waiting for a relative, perhaps a grandson or granddaughter to visit. The current occupants hear her feet shuffling through the kitchen and can hear the cry of the cat at times. I get the name Mabel.

I will be available later today and this evening for phone readings…

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


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