Spirit Voices! 3/22/16


A strange and yet wonderful day…it’s seems as we begin to analyze ourselves we become aware of just the way others see us… and sometimes the sight isn’t so pretty. A catharsis has been had, and we move on in a different direction with a more profound view of the world! Wonderful and yet daunting!

Today my Spirit message is that no matter how you feel, or what you think, take a side-wise look at yourself and you may find the answers that you need….Spirit is manifesting in your life and many things that happen, happen for reasons that are unknown to us, but ultimately lead to progression on the Spiritual plane. Even bad things have a purpose…so don’t despair when bad things happen to you, they often open a path to greater opportunities. Feel good about yourself and be as positive as you can….Be a light to the world!

In mundane matters:

I will be available today and tonight for phone readings…

Machts Gut!




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