Spirit Voices!


Gloomy and rainy day here on Cape May…but spring weather is coming and hopefully soon!

I’m receiving the impression of a man, older, but not ancient, with greying hair and wearing a Jeff hat. I see him walking down a dimly lit. city street at night. He is watchful, but it’s to no avail as he is accosted by a gang of youths, who rob him and take what few possessions he has…he is unhurt by the robbery, but suffers a fatal heart attack just after. I see him now in Spirit and at the home of his daughter…he is watching over his two grandchildren. He comes and goes from their home…he seems intent on wtaching over them as they grow. I get the name Ralph.

In mundane matters:

I will be available later today and tonight for phone readings.

Machts Gut!



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