Spirit Voices! 3/1/16


March is finally here! March is usually a strange weather month here in Cape May…a predominate Northeast wind that can be brutal at times usually occurs for most of the month…hopefully given the milder winter this year, it wont be so bad.

I’m receiving the impression of a man who was a conductor on a railroad many years ago…I see him as he was in the late 1800’s wearing the typical uniform of the time…he is tall and thin with a dark mustache, and he smokes a pipe. He was killed in an accident while maneuvering the train onto a side track. He he fell off and was crushed by the wheels.  His Spirit seems to be lingering around the place of his death…the scent of pipe tobacco is his hallmark. I get the name Connely and the name Girard.

In mundane matter:

I will be available later today and tonight for phone readings.

I’ll have some updates later this week on the elusive projects on which I’m working!

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

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