Raven’s Claw 3/3/16


The dawning of a new day! I’ve changed the name of the blog to the Raven’s Claw, which is a name that is more akin to my various paths. I will still of course be doing daily Spirit messages but will also offer other thoughts as well. Just a note that Em Naad Sei Freibesitz has formed and I will also be posting updates to that here. As we head into the future there will be more updates to the website adding more advisers to the Psychic Services offered, It’s been a long process, but it is almost complete…I will be contacting the advisers who showed interest shortly.

Spirit Voices:

I am receiving the Impressions of a young man…I see him on the beach, walking slowly away from me….He was the victim of an automobile accident, that happened on this same beach…his car went out of control at the end of a roadway and plunged into the water. This was due to overindulgence of alcohol and drugs and happened perhaps 30 years ago….His Spirit seems to wander the strand and is often felt by beach goers in the summertime. I get the name Jeff.

That’s all for now…

Machts Gut!


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