Raven’s Claw!


Another gloomy and cool day here in Cape May…Rain and cloudy skies. I’m supposing that it will be good for the halfway planted garden though.

I’m feeling a rise in Spirit activity…the veil between the worlds on becoming increasingly thin. There are Spirit manifestations happening here at the house. There is also more Spirit warnings of another major event globally. I do feel though that whatever these impressions portend, ultimately they will usher in a time of peace and plenty. We shall see.

In mundane matters, There has been a fix to the problem with the help function on the call system…so at this time everything is working wonderfully. I’m going to keep a watch on it for a bit of time and then I”ll be contacting interested advisers to begin the process of updating the site. Thanks for your continued patience!

I will be available for phone readings today and this evening.

Machts Gut!




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