Raven’s Claw!


Yet another dreary and cloudy day here in Cape May…warmish though so that’s a plus.

The Spirits are not as active as last week, and I’m not getting any messages if impending doom, thankfully. Although I still get messages saying to keep watch as there will be earth changes coming soon. I’m getting images of a great bear flexing it’s muscles. so that could mean issues with Russia are coming…

I have been working fairly frequently on the vegetable garden, hopefully if the weather breaks and we get some real warmth all of my efforts wont be in vain. I have planted thus far 4 varieties of tomatoes, bush beans, pole Lima beans , zucchini, cucumbers, peas and potatoes. We’ve had plenty of rain, but little real warmth or sun, so everything seems to be in stasis. Timje will tell if we shall ever see a real spring!

I’m awaiting the final dates for the beginning of the ghost tours at Historic Cold Spring Village. I believe they will start in August. I’ll be doing the Thursday tours, and I’m looking forward to it!

I’ll be available later today and tonight for phone readings.

All for today,

Machts Gut!



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