Raven’s Claw! 7/11/16


Another sunny but slightly less humid day here in Cape May….The gardens are bursting with life and it seems the plants are in a rush to grow as big and as fast as they can, indeed the backyard is jungle-like, with tropical foliage abounding.

Spirits are calm today, I’m not receiving any messages of doom and gloom, although I’m sure that things on a global scale haven’t improved. I would still be aware of more trouble and unrest in the US. Perhaps my Spirits are most likely just tired of repeating almost the same message on a daily basis. I’m still concerned about an egrigore that I perceived recently, created by well-meaning folk, but with little direction to it’s energy patterns. This is troubling to me as the energy released seems to have a mind of it’s own and does not seem to be restrained by the original intent with which it was raised. I’m curious as to what damage this energy will do, as it seems to be gathering more strength daily. There seems to be no sure method of reigning it in, at least none that I can find. Hopefully it will dissipate soon enough, but I’m doubtful.


I want to note once again that on Thursday nights, for the remainder of the summer I will be unavailable for phone readings in the evening as I will be conducting Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village.  The walks last approximately 45 minutes and I will recount many of the mysterious happenings at the Village over the years. Reservations are highly recommended. For more information  phone (609) 898-2300.

For this interested in the paranormal there will be an entire weekend dedicated to that at the Village:

Paranormal Pursuits Aug 20 , 2016 – Aug 21 , 2016
Experience all things unexplained! Enjoy ghostly tales, presentations by paranormal investigators, a phrenology experience, ghost tours and much more!

I will also be doing another Spirited Tea event at the Dennisville Inn in October…stay tuned!

I will be available for phone readings this evening after 7:30 PM.

Machts Gut!




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