Raven’s Claw! 7/15/16


Bright and sunny here in Cape May, another hot and humid day forecast.

Well the situation predicted yesterday by the Spirits in Europe has happened,,,,terrible tragedy in Nice, France. It’s sad where this world is headed. The Spirits are really active today and are predicting another event. This time it will be on US soil, but the timing is unclear. I’m getting the Southeast US, and also something in the Midwest. I’m feeling issues both domestically and globally. I worry also about the political conventions next week…there is trouble being foretold by Spirits at both conventions. The egrigore is gaining in power and seems to be unstoppable. I do feel that there are two separate entities causing strife…One is the egrigore that I’ve been speaking about here in the US. The other is a great and terrible Spirit that has manifested in the Middle Eastern countries. This seems to be related more to a djinn type Spirit who calls itself by one of the Great names of God. Both Spirits are wreaking havoc in the world and seem to be uncontrollable. Hopefully they will be contained.


I did the second of my Ghost Walks last night st Historic Cold Spring Village…there was a light turnout, but the attendees seemed to enjoy themselves. The heat and humidity may have been the reason that it was sparsely attended. We did have a manifestation appear in the Ewing-Douglass house. THe photo above is of the side window of Cox Hall Cottage…I was trying to get the image of one of the Spirits on the second floor.


There was also some activity in the Dennisville Inn…the Spirit of Molly the maid was in the best room.


Ghost walks are held weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays (I do the Thursday walk). The 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.
Starts at 8pm. Tickets are $15.
Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for more info!
Ghost Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August.

There will also be a weekend dedicated to all things Mystic:

Paranormal Pursuits Aug 20 , 2016 – Aug 21 , 2016
Experience all things unexplained! Enjoy ghostly tales, presentations by paranormal investigators, a phrenology experience, ghost tours and much more!

Additionally I will be doing another Spirited Tea in the Dennisville Inn in October.


I will be available this evening for phone readings.

All for now,

Machts Gut!




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