Raven’s Claw…The egrigore and more.


There’s a shadow over the land and it’s a manufactured one…made up of emotions and power and set off by well meaning people with little or no knowledge of how magic works. Random thoughts coalesced into raw energy which has been set forth with little or no direction, This energy is now reeking havoc throughout the US.  My Spirits have been warning about this for quite some time, and they warn now that there is not much that can be done to stop it…The energy will go directionless and cause much more damage. This is the danger of trifling with Magic, without divination to see the outcome and without the proper spells of direction…a woeful thing!

The Spirits are telling of yet another event in the US in the next few days. This is not related to the evil Spirit that is in the Middle East, but related to the egrigore. The event seems to be focused on the Mid West, but I feel pulled also to the Southeast. I fear trouble at the political conventions as well. As for the Evil Spirits doings, there will be another attack somewhere in Europe. I’m also feeling something in the Mediterranean. I’m getting the words, “be aware of the Dragon and Bear”.

I have the impression also of an Earth movement coming…this seems to be centered in California, but has wide ranging effects.


I will be conducting another Ghost Walk at Historic Cold Spring Village this Thursday, this 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.
Starts at 8pm. Tickets are $15.
Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for more info!
Ghost Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August.

Also the Village will be doing a Paranormal weekend:

Paranormal Pursuits Aug 20 , 2016 – Aug 21 , 2016
Experience all things unexplained! Enjoy ghostly tales, presentations by paranormal investigators, a phrenology experience, ghost tours and much more!

I will be available this evening for Phone readings after 7:30 PM Eastern.

Machts Gut!



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