Raven’s Claw! Get your Spiritual armor on!


Yesterday I talked a bit about the egrigore that has been running amuck in the US. Today my Spirits are saying that these energies have now split and now the forces are forming two separate entities. Both are being nourished by well meaning, but unguided thought forms, prayers and indeed magic. They are reeking havoc throughout the land an will continue, unguided until they reach their maximum potential. There’s very little that can be done to stop them as they have become a force of their own. Spirit suggests that you arm yourself Spiritually and not allow your own though patterns to give strength to those forces. This may be a difficult process but one that is wise. Compounding this is another great Spirit that claims to be something that it is not. Be wary of all Spiritual communication…test, divine and see the truth of the Spirits communing with you. The times are challenging. Beware of those well meaning counsels…test them as well.

I’m getting the impression of more violence in the US and another event in Europe, I get messages about earth changes on a daily basis and Earthquakes are likely. There will be an odd weather event as well…


I will be conducting another Ghost Walk this Thursday at Historic Cold Spring Village, this 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.
Starts at 8pm. Tickets are $15.
Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for more info!
Ghost Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August.

Don’t forget about Paranormal Pursuits Aug 20 , 2016 – Aug 21 , 2016
Experience all things unexplained! Enjoy ghostly tales, presentations by paranormal investigators, a phrenology experience, ghost tours and much more!


I will be available this evening for phone readings after 7:30 PM Eastern.

Machts Gut un Sei Gesund!




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