Raven’s Claw! Undeniable energy..


There is an undeniable flow of un-directed energy that is running amuck in the US and indeed all over the world. I have posted about this for that last couple of weeks. The cause of this is manifested desires from those who know (or choose not to recognize) little about directing that energy. I fear that some well meaning folk are using magic to pronounce curses on those who have views other than theirs.  I have no problem with cursing or hexing, however when you don’t use divination (and sometimes even when you do) to look at all the repercussions of what the end result may be, you often create these types of egrigores. The Schwetzer Geist gets involved and the curse is done with out the direction of the Hoch Geist. I’ve seen this happen time after time as the result of online so-called witch groups. Well this new egrigore that is now splitting into separate entities is going to be VERY difficult, and maybe impossible to control. Compound this with the Ancient and deceitful Spirit that is rampant in the Middle East and you have a nasty combination.

My Spirits are predicting many more dangers as a result of these problems…Something in the Southeast US, and once again something in Europe. I am also getting impressions of Earth Changes, tremors and weather related problems. Hopefully the Spirits can gain control of these things before pandemonium ensues.


I will be conducting the Ghost Walk at Historic Cold Spring Village this evening. This 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.
Starts at 8pm. Tickets are $15.
Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for more info!
Ghost Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August.

I will also be doing another Spirit Tea event sometime in October at the Dennisville Inn.

Since I have the Ghost Walk tonight I may not be available for phone readings until late.

Machts gut un sei gesund.




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