Raven’s Claw! Spirits on the rise!.. and Ghost Walk tonight!


Spirits are now rising up to confront the twin egrigores that I have written about for the past few months! The impressions that I am getting are of cool, fresh Spirits from the far North moving in unison to engulf and encapsulate the Pseudo Spirits. Where they have success or not is yet to be seen, but they are powerful, and they are being assisted by Spirits of place and land. The rising tide has begun, not only here but in far off places as many of the same type of Spirits are assisting in Europe and the Middle East.

Having said this there are still warnings of more earth tremors and quakes in both Europe and South America. The West of North America is vulnerable as well. Water damage is foreseen in the Southeast  US and in the Gulf region with violent winds. Possibly due to the forecast Hurricanes now forming. On the political front more upheaval and another event which will bring protests and sadly death. A monarch will fail and another take his place. A country will change alliances. A new discovery will set religion on it’s knees. Massive changes are occurring and will bring Hope to many and despair to some.


Tonight I will be conducting another Ghost Walk at Historic Cold Spring Village. This 45 minute to one hour walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.
Starts at 8pm. Tickets are $15.
Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for more info!
Ghost Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday in August.



I will be doing another Spirited Tea event at the Dennisville Inn on October 22nd at 2PM. A sumptuous High Tea will be served and afterword I will channel any Spirits that come through!  Advanced reservation are required as there is limited seating. Phone (609) 898-2300 for information.


As a result of the Ghost Walk this evening I won’t be available for phone readings on demand until after 9:30 PM Eastern. Sometimes the tours run a little long so it may be later than that. I may be available on arranged calls during the afternoon. I have an extremely busy schedule in late summer and am  trying  to accommodate all those who need assistance, but bear with me I can only do so much. We have other fine advisors who may be able to assist you when I’m not  available…we all have different approaches so bear this in mind when speaking to someone else.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott (Ravn)


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