Raven’s Claw! On the nature of Spirits…Zwei..

imageI’ve been discussing the nature of Spirits and their manifestations, and have told of shadow people and certain full bodied apparitions, I’m going to delve into Spirits that are and never were incarnate. The first of these Spirits is a Spirit of place that I sometimes for lack of a better word call a dark elf. It really doesn’t have much to do with the Faery realm, but is more of an elemental nature. They seem to come from another plane of existence and manifest in areas where the veils between the world are thinnest.   Their presence can be felt as a dark foreboding feeling and often can be felt in basements of homes. Very rarely do these  Spirits manifest visually. There is one of these Spirits in the Corson Hand house in Historic Cold Spring Village. You can feel it’s presence in the side room of the house. I did once encounter one of these Spirits that manifested visually in a home in West Cape May, NJ. It appeared a something half man, half beast and had a very negative energy surrounding it. These Spirits may be what some call demonic, although I don’t feel that word is appropriate, at least not in the traditional sense as they rarely cause harm, and I’ve never known one of these to “possess” anyone. These Spirits seem to derive their energy from the fear that they cause, although they also gain energy from electromagnetic fields as well. They are nothing of which to be frightened, in fact giving away to fear makes them stronger.


Spirits are foretelling of more chaos in the deep south and the Midwest. More destruction and more death…Texas seems to be once again in the cross hairs. Boston is another place for danger. The egrigores are gaining strength again. Florida has trouble brewing as well. Look for strife in Southern Europe and in Turkey. I’m once again seeing a great light in the sky and visitors coming. More earth tremors and water damage. A failed flight and another terrorist attack.




We DARE you to join us for a GHOST INVESTIGATION on Saturday, October 1 from 7-10pm at the Village!

Join a team of paranormal investigators on a search for evidence of the supernatural using digital photography and sound recording equipment. A great way to get in the Halloween spirit!

$40 per person, advance ticket purchase required. Call (609) 898-2300, Ext. 10


breery-sign-lghts-copy-crop-395x215BOO AND BREW

Mark your calendars… Join us for BOO AND BREW on Thursdays in October!

Head to The Cold Spring Brewery for a brew or two… and then join Historic Cold Spring Village for a boo or two on their Ghost Tour.

This 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.

We will also host ghost tours on Saturday evenings at 7pm.

Tickets are $15. Tours begin at the Route 9 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for tickets & more info.



R. Scott Bitting (Ravn) will  be doing a Spirited Tea event at the Dennisville Inn in Historic Cold Spring Village on October 22nd at 2PM. This is a high tea after which I will  channel Spirits. There is limited seating for this event and advance purchase is necessary. Phone (609) 898-2300 for information.

Grange-225x300CHANNELING DINNER at Historic Cold Spring Village!

A Channeling Dinner with Craig McManusOct 8 , 2016 – Oct 8 , 2016
A fall buffet dinner at 7pm including a selection of beer and wine. After dinner, Craig will walk around the room and channel for the group. He cannot channel for every person and does not promise to get to every table, but will try to read as many energies coming through as he can in the two hours. Tickets are $85 per person and must be purchased in advance. Please call (609) 898-2300, ext. 10 for more info and to purchase tickets.



Our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available for on demand phone readings after 7:30 PM Eastern this evening. I also have some availability for in-person private group readings in the Cape May area throughout September! Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)



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