Raven’s Claw! High Spirited Tea! Channeling the mighty dead.


Tomorrow I will be doing an event at Historic Cold Spring Village A high tea after which I will attempt to channel any Spirits who come through. I have a lot of fun at these events even though it’s sometimes difficult to determine  which Spirits came to speak with the guests from the Spirits who dwell at the historic village. Last night the village was particularly active. There were two full bodied apparitions, One was on the path that goes by the Marshallville schoolhouse and the other seen by the Dennisville Inn.

img_0661There was also activity in the Ewing Douglass house.

Once again one of our guests cell phone was drained of power at Cox Hall Cottage. Numerous anomalies with photos also occurred.

The ghost walks are a fun activity and give you an opportunity to see the village at nighttime.


breery-sign-lghts-copy-crop-395x215BOO AND BREW AND GHOST WALKS!

Thursday evenings at 8PM throughout October…Boo and Brew at Historic Cold Spring Village!!!

Our regular Ghost Walks are on Saturday evenings at 7PM!!!

Mark your calendars… Join us for BOO AND BREW on Thursdays in October!

Head to The Cold Spring Brewery for a brew or two… and then join Historic Cold Spring Village for a boo or two on their Ghost Tour.

This 45 minute walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.

We will also host ghost tours on Saturday evenings at 7pm.

Tickets are $15. Boo and Brew Tours begin at the Route 626 Gatehouse. Regular Ghost Walks begin at the Route 9 Gate.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for tickets & more info.

imageSPIRITED TEA  (only 6 tickets left)


R. Scott Bitting (Ravn) will  be doing a Spirited Tea event at the Dennisville Inn in Historic Cold Spring Village on October 22nd at 2PM. This is a high tea after which I will  channel Spirits. There is limited seating for this event and advance purchase is necessary. Phone (609) 898-2300 for information.


Our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available this evening for one demand readings  after 7:30 pm eastern.   October availability for in-person private group readings in the Cape May area is booked solid! I will have dates open for November. Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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