Raven’s Claw! A Spirited week upcoming!

img_0625This will be a week filled with Spirited activity. As the week before Samhain/Allelieweziel/Hallowe’en proceeds I can feel the veil between the worlds growing ever thinner. Spirits are active both here and abroad, and their messages are becoming clearer!


The Spirits are saying that there is a massive movement that is occurring in the regions beyond Europe and that the Snake Spirits are on the move once again. I have written previously of the danger in evoking these Spirits, but it seems that there are well meaning folk who nevertheless continue the call to those Spirits who give not one damn for them. Care should be taken in the call to any Spirit, and especially those that have not had any incarnations. These Spirits are not the friendly nor mighty dead, they are creatures of primordial existence that can fool you to believe that they are all wise and caring of the fate of humanity, when in fact they care little whether mankind persists or not. The genie is out of the bottle so to speak and it may be difficult for anyone to contain it again.

Spirits of the dead are able to be perceived moving throughout the land once again, Many of these are noble and loving Spirits who DO have humanity’s best interest at heart, and yet some are not so. Divine long before you communicate with them!


On Saturday last we held a Spirited Tea in the Dennsville Inn at Historic Cold Spring Village. This was a fundraiser to ensure the continued restoration of the Inn itself and additionally to provide some funds to continue the Ghost Walks next year. The event was a success and unfortunately we couldn’t  accommodate all those who wished to attend, Many Spirits communicated, and many people received some closure in contacting their loved ones. It’s always difficult to channel Spirits at this venue as there are so many, both the Spirits that come with the attendees and also the Spirits that maintain an existence in the Village. We will most likely do another Spirited Tea in the Springtime. Our thanks to all who attended!




breery-sign-lghts-copy-crop-395x215BOO AND BREW!!

Once last Boo and Brew this Thursday evening at 8PM …at Historic Cold Spring Village!!!

Head to The Cold Spring Brewery for a brew or two… and then join Historic Cold Spring Village for a boo or two on their  Ghost Tour.

This Hour long plus walking tour highlights the paranormal “visitors” and activities experienced by Village staff and guest over the years.

Tickets are $15. Boo and Brew Tours begin at the Route 626 Gatehouse.
Please call (609) 898-2300 for tickets & more info.

Phone (609) 898-2300 for information.


Our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available this evening for one demand readings  after 7:30 pm eastern.  My schedule will change a bit later in the week due to the Boo and Brew and another event that I have on Friday, I eill not be available on Hallowe’en night.  October availability for in-person private group readings in the Cape May area is booked solid! I will have dates open for November. Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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