Raven’s Claw! The cool North wind blows…

img_0553A cool North wind is blowing, both figuratively and literally here in Cape May…Winter seems to have finally arrived albeit a month early. There have been signs from Spirit that the battle is beginning to be won. I have seen visions of peace for a change instead of impressions of Chaos. This is a wonderful thing, but I’m not quiet ready to let my guard down. The Northern Spirits who have assisted in this are moving more strongly throughout the Land and are removing the negative and falsely created egrigores. Daily though new energies are manifest, and it has become an up hill battle. Signs of protection are seen in the sky.

img_0750This cloud formation was seen In Cape May yesterday. Could it be the sickle of Fraa Holle? I’d like to think so. Heel Holle! Fraa Holle is now on the Wild Hunt with Der Ewiger Jaeger. and is rounding up lost souls to bring to her Mill for Reincarnation.  Soon she will fluff her blanket and Snowflake will appear!!!

img_0743This is the season of Thanks for those blessings that have been wrought upon us during the last year. We lose track sometimes that even in the midst of despair there can come blessings. Be aware of the gifts that have been given to you and don’t forget to thank those who have assisted you in attaining these good tidings.

Have a kind thought, dispel fear and anger, and seek what is truly due you. More blessings will surely come from this. image



Some of our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available for Phone readings this evening after 7:30 PM Eastern this evening. My daily availability is always posted on my call page. I will not be available on Thanksgiving day this Thursday!

I also  have some  availability for in-person and private group readings in the Cape May area for the month of December! Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)






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