Raven’s Claw! Another Year forthcoming….


Another year is ending and another year begins. With any luck at all 2017 will be a better and brighter year then 2016. There have been many deaths in the celebrity world last year and that is likely to continue in the next. Spirits say that there will be deaths in high places, particularly in the political world, with Monarchs and other heads of state succumbing. There are predictions of more and frequent earthquakes on the pacific rim, and indeed  throughout the world. Pay careful attention to Great Britain and also to Germany, events in those places will be forefront in the news in the coming months. Disaster in Greece as well, and a major weather event here in the US. There will be news of unscrupulous activity in a higher counsel. On a lighter note, these events will led to an era of peace and tranquility that has not been seen for eons.

I have seen visions of a new discovery that will help produce food necessary for the survival of those in impoverished areas. I am also receiving impressions of Star People coming down from the heavens and assisting mankind. Watch to the Pleiades….



Our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available for Phone readings this evening after 7:30 PM Eastern this evening. My daily availability is always posted on my call page.

I also  have some  availability for in-person and private group readings in the Cape May area for the month of January (After the 13th)  weather permitting!  Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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