Raven’s Claw! The hope of Sunshine…


There was a rather mild winter storm that left about 10 inches of snow in the Cape May area, and left me with the longing for summer and sunshine. The sun is peeking out from behind the clouds this afternoon, although the temperatures are still in the mid 20’s. In the next few days they will be climbing to the 60’s! Odd this weather is, almost as odd as the messages from Spirit that are both predicting  strife and peace. They have been unrelenting in this…Major chaos predicted, followed by a time of peace and prosperity. Perhaps the political world follows the rule of nature…snow followed by sun….strife followed by peace.


Our Psychics are available on a daily basis for phone readings.

I will be available for Phone readings this evening after 7:30 PM Eastern this evening. My daily availability is always posted on my call page.

I also  have some  availability for in-person and private group readings in the Cape May area for the month of February,  weather permitting!

I am now taking booking for large group readings for the summer, if your venue is looking for a slightly different sort of entertainment, please contact me for rates!

Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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