Raven’s Claw! Aaruffing un Ordnung!


Spirits are giving the feeling of hope…finally there is a time of calm coming, but only after a period of tribulation. I’m getting the impression once again of a cooling Spiritual wind that is now blowing the detritus of despair away, The wind alone will not create the peace that is to come, but rather inspiration will be the determining factor. Although there will still be trying time yet to come, Spirits assure me that all will be well. The snake Spirits have been mostly subdued at least for now. The rising of these Spirits was not complete as those attempting to evoke them did not have the personal power to do so, and the Spirits that did partially arise seem to be taking their revenge on those who dared call them, particularly for the reasons that they were called. I see great and ancient Spirits rising to do battle and setting this back into order. Die aaruffing und die Ordung!!!



I will be available for phone readings after 7:30 PM Eastern. My daily availability is always posted on my call page.

I also  have some  availability for in-person and private group readings in the Cape May area for the month of February,  weather permitting! Bear in mind I don’t have a venue for which to do in person readings, I will come out to your home in the Cape May County area.

I am now taking booking for large group readings for the summer, if your venue is looking for a slightly different sort of entertainment, please contact me for rates!

Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)



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