Raven’s Claw! Poverty amidst plenty…

This morning I did my usual running of errands, and happened to be in Rio Grande, NJ.  Driving past a parking lot I noticed a rather large trailer with a crowd of about 200 people waiting. It seems this was a trailer from the foodbank. I was taken aback by the number of people in line, waiting for food. I had absolutely no idea that in the rather affluent seashore community there were so many people who couldn’t afford even the basic necessities of life. It really made me think …made me realize that we all need to count our blessings. No matter how bad you may think you have it, there is always someone who is  less fortunate than you. Think about your own blessings and do your best to try to help others. Here is a list of some of the organizations in Cape May County that can help.


I will be up at St Bab;s this evening for a private Ghost investigation. Will Keenan  will most likely have a live facebook feed up…Here’s more about St Bab’s:

https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p200x200/14955849_390199254646436_6040530571814052066_n.png?oh=a6808409454e8e0d08533515da3513f8&oe=596D9B88ST. Babs foundation:

“I founded St. Babs (The Barbara A. Sees-Keenan Foundation) with my Sisters & loved ones in the summer of 2016 after my saint-like Mother Barbara left her body & I acquired a hundred-year-old landmark church in Cape May, New Jersey surrounded by famous beaches, natural wildlife preserves & Garden State farms. The St. Babs mission helps people in need, especially women & children and those seeking recovery, self-development, arts education and/or a house of spiritual refuge. Restoration has begun & the grand re-opening of this historical property is Mother’s Day Sunday 2017 (a week before St.Babs’ birthday:) Your investment will create quality social programs for local communities & all true heart



I will be unavailable for phone readings today as I have a prior commitment!  My daily availability is always posted on my call page.

I also  have some  availability for in-person and private group readings in the Cape May area for the month of April. Bear in mind I don’t have a venue for which to do in person readings, I will come out to your home in the Cape May County area.

I am now taking booking for large group readings for the summer, if your venue is looking for a slightly different sort of entertainment,

Phone 609-849-8405 or email  ravn@raven-star.org for more information!

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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