Raven’s Claw! Things awry…updates and more..

Some things have still been going awry cosmically and there have been great movements of energy, some positive, some not so. Many of the problems that have occurred over the past winter have been dealt with though and there is a movement forward finally.  Positive flow showing for many now. Keep guard  though because some of the released energies are still active. Ward your properties and keep portals closed to those Spirits that would bring harm. The death cult and those who profess to be good are the greatest enemies you will encounter. All that glitters is not gold, and all that is gold does not glitter. It’s odd how the true nature of some comes out, odd and disconcerting.

I’m still on hiatus from private in-person readings for the near future until I can work out a convenient venue that will make it easier for people to come to me for guidance. I have a couple of irons in the fire and I will be posting the results here.  Until then, I’m available most evenings via phone, just click the call button and create an account:




The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


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