Raven’s Claw! 6/20/16


Beautify and sunny weather here in Cape May….Hot and humid as I like it!…finally!

My Spirits are predicting  another event soon… One with dire consequences…I’m getting the impression of something more in the USA and also another event in Europe. I get images of Jet planes, but they are unclear. There are climate events also predicted. I don’t want to hold out for doom and gloom, but some of these images are frightening. Keep safe!


I will be doing the first of the ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village in early July…I will be conducting the Thursday evening walks…there will also be another Spirited Tea event in October and reservations will be highly recommended for both the ghost walks and the High Tea.  Also there will be a paranormal weekend at the Village, at which i will be in attendance:

Paranormal Pursuits Aug 20 , 2016 – Aug 21 , 2016
Experience all things unexplained! Enjoy ghostly tales, presentations by paranormal investigators, a phrenology experience, ghost tours and much more!


I have added a new FREE RUNIC READING to the offering on the website. It is an internet based reading, and if you need clarity after the reading please arrange a phone readings with me!

All for now!

Machts Gut!



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