Free Runic Reading!

After your FREE RUNIC READING please arrange a call with Ravn to clarify the details!

Think of a question or topic you would like guidance on... Then click on Draw Odin's Rune to receive your guidance...

Think of a question or topic you would like guidance on... Then click on Draw Three Rune Spread to receive your guidance...

Here are the meanings of the rune locations:

  1. Expresses the matter or question at hand
  2. Shows the forces that may hinder or oppose the matter or question at hand
  3. Represents the underlying influences of the matter at hand or question
  4. Shows the influences that are passing or coming to an end
  5. Denotes the influences that may become important in the medium to long term
  6. Represents the influences on the questioner in the near future
  7. Represents the fears and negative feelings that the questioner may have
  8. Denotes the outside influences of friends and/or family
  9. Stands for the beliefs and hopes of the questioner
  10. This rune shows the final outcome of the question or matter at hand
  11. Further explination on final outcome
  12. Further explination on final outcome

Think of a question or topic you would like guidance on... Then click on Draw Expanded Celtic Cross Rune Spread to receive your guidance...

After your FREE RUNIC READING please arrange a call with Ravn to clarify the details!

Please click the call button to create an account and initiate a call!! I do in person readings which may decrease my availability for phone readings, please check out the Raven’s Claw Blog where announcements will be made that may alter availability times.

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I changed my hours slightly for phone readings.  Please check my availability before you request a reading!

thanks for your patience, Bob (Ravn)