Spirit Voices! 1/27/16


Today I’m receiving the impression of an older woman who is seen in the kitchen of her home. she is short with grey hair and wearing cats eye glasses and a house dress and a pink cardigan sweater. The kitchen is a 50’s style kitchen and I see her making manicotti. She has 2 grandchildren who would visit her almost on a daily basis. She passed of old age quite a few years ago, but still visits the kitchen of her old home. The current owners of the home occasionally smell the scent of Italian cooling in the home, and once in  a while catch a glimpse of her from the corner of their eyes. I get the image of a wine bottle and the scent of cheap cigars.

In mundane things:

I will be available on both my private line and Keen.com this evening. I can always be reached on keen by arranging a call back.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/26/16


I’m trying to look for some Springtime! We fared fairly well through the Blizzard. Snow totals were not as bad here in Cape May as in the rest of NJ, but we did have some major flooding on the barrier islands…We didn’t loose electric at all which was a plus and unusual as most  of the rest of the county lost utilities for quite some time…Luck was with us here!

I have availability for phone readings today and tonight, both on my private line and Keen.com…The information on the new venture is pending and I’ll send information to those of you who showed interest shortly…I have been waiting for Mercury to go direct before starting this venture…

We are planning some events at Historic Cold Spring Village this summer so keep watching here for more details!

Spirit Voices should resume tomorrow.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/22/16


A blizzard of sorts is forecast for the east coast, with high winds. snow and tidal flooding. Hopefully the impact wont be as bad as they say….We always seem to do well here in Cape May, so I’m not particularly worried…having said that, we often lose electric in storms here so if that’s the case, phone readings may be delayed.

Machts Gut and be safe!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/21/16


The impression that I’m getting today is that of man and woman both young and seen on a commercial jet airliner. I see them heading to a vacation spot, but I feel that they were victims of an airline crash…I can see the oxygen masks come down from the ceiling and I feel the fear and a rush  of adrenaline as the plane descends,,,, The image switches to two small children, at home…these are the kids they left behind. The mother seems to be reaching out to the youngest child…I get the name Miriam and the word Oshkosh. I’m seeing an older woman comforting the children and a small terrier type dog.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings this evening on my private line…The weather is calling for blizzard conditions here in Cape May this weekend, with high winds and flooding,,,,Hopefully we wont lose power…If we lose utilities my availability may change.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/20/16


The Spirits are becoming active again, and I wonder what big event will happen…seems every time i perceive intense Spirit activity, something huge on the world stage happens…we shall see.

Today I have the image of a man who is dressed in a Khaki uniform…he seems older, but with a youthful spirit. I see him with a great deal of children, he may be a scout leader. He passed from pressure in his chest, perhaps a heart attack. I get the name Gene and an image of a lake with pine trees around the shoreline. I’m also receiving the name Nancy.

In mundane matters: I have availability for phone readings this evening…if you’d like a phone reading it’s better to schedule one on my private line rather than keen as the keen system has not been working faithfully. I can usually get your reading within the time frames you give me. The new projects I’m working on are taking longer to set up than I first realized, but rest assured I’ll have more information for you soon.

All for now…

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/19/16


Today I’m receiving and image of a Tall and dark skinned man…he is wearing a black fedora style hat and a long dark coat, he is perhaps as old as 90…it is winter and he is bundled up against the cold. I feel that he was a cobbler or a cord-wain in life and that his business was going south before he passed, he is in a city setting and owned his own home, and passed in the house in the early morning hours…he lived alone. The house is currently occupied by a young family…most of the family are unaware of his presence, but one child can see him and the animals of the house react to his presence. My impression is that this house is in Philadelphia, maybe in the Fishtown section. I get the impression of a saxophone as well, but am unsure of the connection.

In mundane things, I’m still working on the new venture and I will have info as soon as I possibly can. I have availability for phone readings this evening and I still have some availability for group readings but only if the weather permits. I hate winter.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 1/15/16


I am receiving the image of a old man,,,,he is a farmer and working in his kitchen garden…I see him as tall and thin wearing suspenders and a straw hat. He seems weary as if he has the will to do the work, but his body no longer cooperates with him. My feeling is that his wife passed before him and moved on, but he is stuck still trying to make the garden grow for her. He seems somehow to have disappointed her in some small way in life and is trying to make things right in the only way he can. He is in the garden still, although he passed many years ago. The farm is now a housing development and the garden plot is in the yard of a modern home.  The man can be seen by those who are sensitive, and can be heard toiling on his plot of land even by those less so.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings via my private line this evening and I have openings for group readings throughout January and February, weather permitting. In addition to the new project that I’ve mentioned earlier (more on that soon) I will have another change to some of my offerings here, Those new offerings will premier soon after mercury goes direct.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/13/16


Today I’m receiving the impression of a woman dressed in Victorian fashion, perhaps 1880’s…she is strolling down the street pushing a perambulator…i see a man with a bowler style hat as well…The image of the perfect Victorian family….they walk into a federal revival style home…I feel that they tragically died due to a fire in the same home, although the house survived although heavily damaged. The home was restored, but the former occupants never left. They go about their business seeing the house in its original state. The current occupants can see them occasionally. I get the name Jackson, and the impression of a large black bird.

In mundane things:

We have a few potential Psychics lined up for a new venture coming after mercury goes direct…We’re always looking for more initiatives though, so if you have an interest, please contact us.

Historic Cold Spring Village will be doing a Paranormal weekend event in August….they have a need for someone adept at dowsing and also a phrenologist…please contact me if either of these are your forte. Additionally there will be an event in May at the Village that portents to be a great deal of fun…I’ll have more information on that in the coming months. Oh and the Ghost walks will return in July so look for information on that as well.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/11/16


Mercury retrograde…geez…what a mess this one is! It has for the most part affected the timing of things and to a lesser extent communication….be patient…it’ll be over soon!

I am receiving the impression of a young woman who has passed in childbirth, but this was a long time ago, sometime in the early 20th century, 1910 or so….I see her in bed, struggling with the pain of a breech birth, and after many hours of labor, both she and the child passed. she is in her early 20’s and has dark hair and very pale eyes. It seems she comes from a family of means. I see her in a late Victorian style house in which she still resides, but in Spirit form…The current occupants of the house can hear the baby’s cries and also the soft singing of the mother. I get the name Carlyle and the name Nancy.

In mundane things, I have availability for phone readings via my private line this evening…I also have spots open for group readings in January weather permitting. Keen hasn’t been working correctly so my private line is the best way to go,,,Please remember that private line readings are first come, first served, and although I will try my best to accommodate your requested time, its not always possible to be exact.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 1/10/16


Today I’m receiving the images of a man in his late thirties or early forties. He is dark haired and light complected. I see him in the snow which is very deep and my impression is that he passed from a skiing accident, possibly an avalanche as i feel heaviness in my chest as if he had trouble breathing before he -passed. He left behind a daughter, I get the name Julia. He worked in marketing possibly in New York, but i feel he passed away far from home. Hes saying something about a pocket watch…the message isn;t very clear.

In mundane things, I have availability for phone readings this evening via my private line and also via keen.com although keen hasn’t been working correctly lately. I also have spots available for group readings throughout January weather permitting.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott