Spirit Voices! 1/8/16


Today I’m receiving the impression of a younger man who has dark hair and is thin and well built,,,he appears dressed in skater attire, In life he was full of energy and motivation, but the situation turned for him and he became addicted to some type of narcotic, possibly heroin. He passed due to an overdose and wasn’t quite sure what happened. He felt his Spirit slip from his body and was very confused. I get the name Dave and a connection to someone named Sarah. He seems to be trying to influence one of his former friend to keep him from the same path. I get the impression of St Petersburg, Florida.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings this evening as well as spots for groups readings throughout January, weather permitting. If you have tried to reach me via Keen.com their system isn’t working correctly once again so the better choice is my private line.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices 1/7/16


The images I’m receiving today are of an older man with a long and greying beard. He is struggling against the cold in winter and is wearing torn gloves and a thread bare hat. He seems to have been homeless and passed due to exposure and hunger. His Spirit seems to appear under an overpass on the outskirts of a large city, perhaps Philadelphia. The still living homeless avoid the area as his Spirit makes them uncomfortable.  The man has a large family but was estranged from them at the time of his death,,,the family doesn’t know that he passed and he is buried in a paupers grave.

Mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings this evening and I still have some availability for Group readings in January weather permitting. I’ll have more information about the new venture soon, but I’m waiting for mercury to go direct again before making any moves in that direction. I’m contemplating taking Feri students again, but I haven’t made up my mind as to the where’s and whatfor’s …I’ll keep you posted if I make a concrete decision…If I decide to do this it would be private one on one lessons and not for everyone…I would heavily vet interested parties. Oh and my Feri will be taught in an Urglaawe context. Urglaawische Feri so to speak.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott



Spirit Voices! 1/6/2016


Today I get the impression of a older man, possibly in his 80’s…he is white with grey hair and thin…he is wearing a uniform of sorts, such as what a disabled vet would wear… he is sitting alone in a place that seems like a retirement home…he seems confused as if he doesn’t know where he is. I don’t think he knows that he has passed on….he is waiting for his family to visit him, but they don’t show up…..I get the name Earl. I’m also getting the name Millie, maybe his wife’s name.  He passed from old age, a completely natural death,

I have availability for phone readings this evening and have some spots for group readings in January weather permitting.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/5/16


Today I’m receiving the impression of a young man, in his early 20’s…I believe he worked for some time as a lifeguard at a seaside resort. He was outgoing and full of life, with a strong group of friends around him. He passed away due to a sudden and virulent illness, that sapped him of his Spirit and will to continue. I’m seeing him around his old place of employment…trying to get the attention of the lifeguards who work there now. He moves objects around and influences computer systems…He seems to be around a young woman named Maggie a great deal. He’s not ready to cross over, and in fact refuses to do so…he seems to have a message for someone in his family, but yet he is rarely around them, favoring his old job.

In mundane things…I’ll have more info on the new venture coming soon…Mercury is retrograde, so most of the work getting this venture off the ground will wait until the planet goes direct again.

I have availability for phone readings this evening and have spots available for group readings throughout Jaanuary, weather permitting.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/4/16


I’m receiving the impression of a young child, a boy, with blonde hair and blue eyes…he has a bright smile and can be seen playing on a tricycle or big wheel…he is about 4 years old. I believe he passed from a breathing condition, perhaps asthma as I feel heaviness in my chest. He seems to be still around his family…and can be seen often by his younger brother. I get the name Nathan or Nate and it seems he lived somewhere in the Southeast…perhaps Charleston or even Savannah.

In mundane notes, We are looking for talented, honest and sincere Psychics for a possible new venture. More information will be  forthcoming in the following weeks.

I have availability for phone readings this evening, so book early if possible…I have availability for groups readings as well in January, weather permitting.

Don’t forget that Mercury is going retrograde for most of the remainder of January,,,so communications can go askew.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 1/3/16


I’m receiving the impression of a young man, probably in his early 30’s…with dark hair and a mustache…he had served in the military previously, but was no longer active at the time of his death, he passed away sometime in the late 70’s and was unmarried with no children….I get the name Charles or Charlie. His parents were still living when he passed, but only his mother is alive now.  I’m getting Scranton, PA…and something about a sports team in Wilkes Barre. The man passed from a gunshot, maybe a hunting accident and left some unfinished business. His mother’s name is possibly Charlotte.

In more mundane matters, I have availability for phone readings this evening, so reserve early if you possibly can. I also have group readings spots available throughout the month of January, weather permitting.

Thanks again and Machts Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 1/1/16


I have been receiving the impressions of two Spirits, a man and a woman, both older, in their eighties or nineties…the man is tall and thin, balding and has a certain stoop to his walk…the woman is also thin and greying. I believe they were married. I see them in a farmhouse going about their business as if they were still living. I feel that they passed within days of each other and that they aren’t completely aware that they are dead. They cause havoc with the electrical system in the house which is now occupied by a young family. One of the children can see them occasionally.

On a mundane note, I made some changes to the website to make it easier to make an appointment. You can now pay for and schedule your phone reading from any page on the site using the PayPal menu.

In person readings can be scheduled by email or phone…email is best.

I do have availability for group readings throughout January (weather permitting).

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year,

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 12/21/15


It’s the darkest night of the year, but also the turning for the sun now comes back. With hope the winter will not be too awfully bad here in Cape May. So far its been almost like spring, but I know that cold winter winds will blow sometime soon.

I haven’t posted in a bit, mostly because I’ve been going through my own winter of sorts, and the Spirits seem to have recognized this, however I feel certain that after this turning of the season, I’ll be able to post more frequently.

For now, I’m wishing everyone a Blessed Yule season and a Merry Christmas!

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 12/11/15


I’m receiving images   of a man in uniform…a soldier but an officer. He seems confused, but yet confident. He is searching for his home, so I feel that he is trapped on a battlefield somewhere….seems like the north of France…possibly Normandy beach. He was killed there during WWII. I know that he had family and My feeling is that he’s searching for them. I get the name Rheinhardt.

I have openings for group readings for the remainder of December and I’m also available for phone readings today, but not tonight. Gift certificates are also available.

Machts Gut!




Spirit Voices! 12/9/15


Spirit activity has once again picked up, a sense of agitation from the Spirit world as if there is yet another “big thing” going to happen soon. Hopefully it is a warning of what might be, not what will be.

I’m receiving images of another young woman who has several children…she passed from a rather malignant form of cancer. This happened as recently as a year ago…she is at peace, but watches closely after her children…she appears to them often and often comes with her mother who is also passed. I get the name Tacony and the name Clara.

I have gift certificates available for purchase that ca be used either for phone readings or in person readings, please contact me for more information.

I have availability for group readings throughout December as well. As always I’m available for phone readings. Please use the appointment page to submit your phone readings request.

Machts Gut!
