Spirit Voices! 10/20/15


Today the energies feel confused….scattered Spiritual energies all around. I’m feeling that there are a great deal of Spirits wishing to communicate.

I’m receiving the distinct energy of a Spirit that seems to be bound by an object…a small locket with a cameo on it…the Spirit is of a young woman, dressed in late Victorian costume. I believe the Locket was given to her by her beau, before he wen to war an was killed. I’m getting the name “Emily” and the name “Joshua”.

The locket is now owned by a modern woman, who sometimes feels despair when shes wearing the locket, and often when the locket is around her.  The locket was not a family piece for this woman, she purchased it at an estate sale.

If this means anything to you, comment below…

Don’t forget my final Ghost walk of the season will be this Friday at 7PM at Historic Cold Spring Village…there will be another on Saturday, but I won’t be conducting that one.

I still have openings for group readings for November…book as soon as you can…and as always there’s availability for phone readings nightly.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 10/19/15


Cold has really moved into the area last night! was in the upper 20’s when I woke up this morning…certainly colder than I thought it would be…a warm-up is in store though for the remainder of the week, so we’ll be able to start working earnestly on our Hallowe’en display!

I will hopefully once again be able to use the new appointment system on the make an appointment page after this evening… tech support has helped in getting the system to work properly, but I want to test it instead of making it live again prematurely.

I still have a day or so for group reading in October, but there are not many spots left…

Big things will be happening in the late Spring….I working on some added in-person events that will prove to be interesting! Stay tuned!

Don’t forget, our final Ghost Walks for the season will be this Friday and Saturday at Historic Cold Spring Village.…I’ll be doing the Friday evening walk at 7PM….hope to see you all there!

Machs Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 10/18/15


Yesterday we spent a great deal of time working on our Hallowe’en display for the front yard….we’re not putting it up until the last minute…it’ll be a complete surprise this year!!! I’m not giving any clues, but suffice it to say…Es waer arrig spass sei!

My first ghost walk at Historic Cold Spring Village went fabulously!!! I had a great time and I’m sure that the people attending did as well! One of the attendees Robin sent me a pic of the window of Cox Hall Cottage, circa 1691… There seems to be something showing…is it a Spirit manifestation or just reflections of light? I’ll let it up to you to decide.


My next and final ghost walk will be next Friday at 7 pm…reservations are highly recommended…I’m most likely going to do many more ghost walks next season, so keep reading here for details.

Ive still not been able to get the new appointment booking system working for our phone readings, so in the meantime, I’ve reinstalled the old system…all times are shown in Eastern time, so bear that in mind when you book.

There may be a few group readings yet available in October, but times running short!

Machs Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 10/16/15

The colder weather is finally hitting us here…not so bad yet, but there is an autumn feeling in the air…perfect for the Ghost Walk tonight! This will be my first time conducting the walk…It should be a lot of fun. The Village is particularly spooky at night anyway, and the cooler temps will give a “Hallowe’en” feeling to the tour. If you are interested in attending my tour (tonight and next Friday) please make reservations info is at the Historic Cold Spring Village website. Proceeds from the tour help fund the Village.

In other news, the new appointment system I added to the website still isn’t working correctly…I added back the old system until I can get the newer one fixed…bear in mind in the old appointment system, all times are in Eastern time. If you’d like to book a phone reading with me, please go to the appointment page.

I still have group reading spots available as well.

Machts Gut!



Spirit Voices! 10/15/15


Another bright  and sunny day here in Cape May…although it’s been fairly warm, the cold is coming this weekend…not the cold of the Midwest, but definitely cold for South Jersey. Just in time for the fall festivities that will be happening!  My first Ghost Walk at Historic Cold Spring Village is tomorrow…and I’m certain that the weather will hold out for it.

I have been having a few issues with the new appointment booking system on the make an appointment page…it works, but for some reason after 8pm eastern it defaults to the next day…something to do with the time zone configuration I’m sure, but I’m having trouble figuring it out…if you would like a phone reading after 8 pm eastern…just email me and I’ll make every attempt to add you to the bookings.

Spirit-wise there has been much activity of late…most likely due to the thinning of the veil at Hallowe’en/Samhain/Allelieweziel … The activity should increase, so be on the lookout for messages from your own departed!

Speaking of Allelieweziel, this is traditionally the time of the burning of the Butzeman…a scarecrow of sorts who guards the garden and the crops. At Hallowe’en (Allelieweziel in Deitsch) the Spirit of the Butzeman is released to participate in the Wild Hunt. It’s important to burn the effigy which contained his Spirit during the summer, so that other Spirits might not possess it. Just a bit of Lore from the Deitscherei!


Well as usual, Machts Gut!

R Scott

Spirit Voices! 10/14/15


The dead are coming!

The Spirits of the dearly departed ancestors are here, heeding our thoughts deeds and words…as we approach Hallowe’en/Samhain/Allelieweziel the veil between the worlds grows thinner! Pay attention to details around you…change appearing out of nowhere, feather found…noises in the dark…strange electrical outages, flickering lights…all of these can mean that the departed are trying to connect. Don’t have fear, try to understand what they are attempting to say to you. There may be massages that can give you hope of the afterlife!

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve added a new appointment booking system to the website…for phone readings only at this point. There are a couple of issues that have yet to be worked out with the system, so if you are having any trouble booking a reading, just email and I can get your appointment for you.

I still do have some group reading dates available for October, so book as soon as you can.

Ghost Walk at Historic Cold Spring Village, this Friday and Saturday !!! Reservation are suggested!

R Scott



Spirit Voices! 10/13/15


Another great looking start up to the day here in Cape May…colder weather is forthcoming though, and the sun is setting at a later hour each evening. I’m not quite ready for the winter, but it is what it is…

I updated the appointment system on our “Make an Appointment” page…I believe the new system is a bit more user friendly than the older one, it also allows for more time slots, hence I’ve added additional opportunities for phone readings. It also incorporates a seamless transition to PayPal, and as long as it works as well as I think it should, everything will be much easier. I do have slots available for phone readings, but the group readings are starting to fill up, so book yours as soon as possible!The weather is still looking great for the Ghost Walk on Friday at Historic Cold Spring Village, hopefully there won’t be rain as I don’t want another of my walks cancelled due to inclement weather. If you’re interested in attending the ghost walks, either by me or another of the guides…reservations are highly recommended!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 10/12/15


The weekend was rather filled with mundane things, but I did have the opportunity to preview  the Friday ghost walk conducted my Matt Vendetta…he did a wonderful job and the participants really enjoyed it…my first walk will be this coming Friday at 7pm. Reservations are recommended. You can reserve your spot by calling Historic Cold Spring Village.

We started trimming the ash tree on the side of the house…trying to get the tree into shape…ash trees are sacred to Wotan as well as representing the world tree…we have a wishing well under the ash tree which represents Frau Holle…so it’s a rather sacred spot..Spiritual things aside, ash wood is extremely hard, so it’s a difficult process.

I’m slowly getting booked up for group readings, so if you are in need reserve as soon as you can! I do have slots available for phone readings in the evening though.




Spirit Voices! 10/9/15


Tonight is the first October Ghost walk at Historic Spring Village…I won’t be conducting this one,  but it will be great I’m sure! I will most likely attend though, so if you’re out and about, stop by and take the tour. I’ll be doing the walks on October 16th and 23rd.

Today is another nice day here in Cape May, a bit warmer and more humid then it has been, but nice nevertheless.

The Spirits are once again manifesting in abundance…full body apparitions are the norm, and the closer we get to hallowe’en the more approachable they get! I’m receiving a great deal of messages from them and I will be posting my impressions in the future.

Don’t forget to book your group readings soon….time is running out for Octobers  bookings.

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 10/8/15


What a gorgeous day here in Cape May…the weather has certainly improved over last weekend…it’s a perfect October day!!

Tomorrow is the first Ghost walk of October at Historic Cold Spring Village…I won’t be conducting that one, but a close friend Matt will be guiding you through the Spirit full landscape! I’ll be doing next Friday’s walk…I just returned from the village to snap a couple of photos for this blog, and I can definitely tell you that the Spirits are active there this week!  Make reservation early!

I still have some openings for group readings in October, but times running short,  book as soon as you can. ..of course I do have available slots for phone readings via my private line, so that’s another option for you.

Cape May is getting spookier by the day and there will be much excitement to be had this year!

R. Scott