Spirit Voices! 10/7/15





It’s Hallowe’en season!!!

My favorite time of years…I’m currently working on a hallowe’en display for the front yard/porch, that I hope to rival last years…I’m going to try to incorporate some video effects as well….we shall see how that goes.

I went out earlier to try to purchase some ready-made decorations, but they are few and far between…who knew that Hallowe’en would be so soon pushed aside for Christmas? I guess next year I should start my hallowe’en shopping sometime in July.

The Spirits are very active once again, and I have been receiving messages on an hourly basis. I do have some group reading opening for the remainder of October, and certainly for November, so book as soon as you can! I will be doing some ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village…well really only two, the 16th and the 23rd…others will be doing the rest of the Fridays and Saturdays. I hope to see you on one of my tours….the other guides are very good though, so if you can’t make it to mine, please try theirs.

I’ m also available for phone readings on my private line evenings with the exception of Saturdays. You can book them through the appointment page on the website.

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 10/5/15


It was a long, long, weekend…amid frequent power outages, and high winds, the Jersey Cape fared much better than other places on the east coast.  I was able to do some phone readings, but the outages put a damper on that.  My first ghost walk was of course cancelled…I’m a bit disappointed, but you can’t fight Mother Nature!

That Spirits are all around today and they seem to be a lot less anxious then they were a few days ago, a bit calmer and less intense. My feeling is that they will intensify in a day or two and by the weekend the activity will be in full force again.  We shall see.

I am still taking bookings for group readings throughout the month of October, so if you haven’t reserved one, do so soon as possible….of course there are spots available for November as well.

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 10/2/15


It’s a rather dismal day here in Cape May…although we are almost out of the woods in respect of hurricane Joachin, we still have a strong Nor’easter pummeling us with heavy rain and wind. My Ghost Walk tonight has been cancelled due to the weather. The next one that I will be doing is on October 16th. and then again on October 23rd. Others will be doing the walk during the rest of October, so I’m down to just those two days. Please make reservations as soon as possible;e, I have a feeling the tours will be selling out! Information on reserving a spot is available on the Historic Cold Spring Village website!

I do have to say that the Spirits are really becoming active with the start of October….I am seeing manifestations at home and everywhere else I go. Energies are very distorted as well…things seems to be in a flux. The dead are wanting to communicate with the living and are doing everything they can to make this happen! Watch out for Spirit manifestations, particularly if you are a sensitive…Some manifestations can be off-putting, but most are benign.

October will be a hell of a month!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 10/1/15


Ah… October 1st at last! The veil between the worlds get thinner and thinner…the dead speak and the ancestors reach out!

Last night I did the first of many group readings of the Fall season…what a wonderful family, much high energy there, and the Spirits were abounding!!! Many thanks to the group that hosted me…I hope to be able to help them again in the future!

Tomorrow night is  the first of the ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village…as long as the weather holds out…there could be drenching rain, the precursor to Hurricane Joachin, which as I write is making a beeline for the eastern seaboard. My hope is that it heads out to see, which is just as likely, at any rate, I’ve been through many hurricanes here in Cape May and have always fared well…we shall see.

I’m doing a bit more research on Goody Garlick, the somewhat famed witch of Rio Grande NJ…Elizabeth Hardie Garlick Parsons to be exact…I want to find the exact location of her gravesite…I’m almost positive that the site has been lost, most likely under the Garden State Parkway…I’ll keep you posted…this may require a trip to the county clerk to research land titles in the 17 and 18th centuries…

I do have some availability for group readings in October, so if you’re interested please schedule as soon as possible.

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 9/30/15


I have the first of the Hallowe’en season group readings today,  which I’m looking forward to almost as much as the first of the ghost walks this Friday. I’m keeping a keen eye on the weather though as Hurricane Joachin is making its way up the east coast and so far seeming to make a bullseye for the Cape May area…we shall see…hopefully this weekends ghost walks won’t be cancelled.

Spirits of place are active as are the Spirits of the departed as the veil begins to thin As we get closer to Hallowe’en/Samhain/Allelieveziel.  I have been seeing and have been receiving messages from some of the Cape May County ancestors…particularly since my foray into Cold Spring cemetery yesterday. I get a sense of peace coming from some of them, and yet a feeling of anticipation from others…are they anticipating the coming storm? Hard to say at this point, as the messages are somewhat unclear…

I have some openings for group readings during the month of October…so if you are wanting to book a reading, try to get your reservation in early!


Don’ t forget to reserve your spot for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village!


Spirit Voices! 9/29/15


Headed out this morning to run some errands and I stopped by the Cold Spring cemetery to snap a couple of pics of a few of the graves that pertain to the ghost walks that we will be doing in October. I wanted one of the Sarah Spicer grave, because the Spicers  feature prominently in both the Village and as a connection to Elizabeth Garlick, an acquitted witch from east Hampton, who later moved to Cape May and whose descendants married into the Spicer/Leaming  family.

There was quite a bit of Spirit activity at the cemetery and I received images and messages from the Spicers….particularly from Colonel Jacob Spicer (Sarah Spicers husband) , who has a gravestone in the cemetery, but whose body actually rests underneath Ferry Road/sandman blvd… He and his second wife were buried in the Eldridge family plot about a quarter mile down the road, at the home of his stepson. When ferry road was built, it ran right through the plot and the graves were not moved. I believe that Colonel Spicer was not very happy about this. ..I wonder if some of the activity at the Spicer Leaming house in Historic Cold Spring Village has something to due with the unhappy desecration of his final resting place?

R. Scott

Reservations are now available for the Ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village, Friday’s and Saturdays in October….info is available at hcsv.org


Spirit Voices! 9/28/15


I spent yesterday in the Dennisville Inn at Historic Cold Spring Village, which is one of the more Spiritually active buildings on site. I was reenacting the role of a 19th century innkeeper, something that I’ve done numerous times in the past. So I had the opportunity to spend the day accompanied by the Spirits of the innkeepers assistant whom we call “Karl”….a few of the visitors to the Inn (We had over 1500 yesterday) felt the presence of Karl and a few of the other Spirits in residence, including Molly the Irish maid that still dwells on the upper floors, and once in a while makes her way down to the dining room of the inn. A few of the women were visibly spooked as Karl’s ghost touched them or tugged on their hair, trying to usher them out of the tavern room (women were not allowed in that part of the building during Karl’s lifetime ).

I also encountered the Spirits of the walking ladies, dressed in late Victorian garb and headed down the path toward the Corson Hand house, repeating the walk to nowhere that they have done ever since my association with the village began in the late 90’s.

I suppose the Spirits were manifesting in anticipation of the Ghost walks that will be happening Friday’s and Saturdays at the village during the month of October. I’ll be conducting the Friday walks…I’m  hoping that during those walks the Spirits will visually manifest, as there is and has been an extrodinary amount of psychic energy at the Village.

R. Scott

For more information on the ghost walks and Historic Cold Spring Village, please visit hcsv.org


Spirit Voices! 9/25/15


Today I’m receiving the image of a woman in her late 20’s, dressed in mid sixties style with Capri pants…she has short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. I see her at a family vacation. Somewhere in the south..She passed not soon after  from a gastrointestinal problem-a surgery that didn’t go as planned. She left behind 3 children and a husband, who has since remarried.

I get the name “Gotham” and the street “Lancaster” …I see a caged bird-green, and multiple dogs…It seems she was an animal lover.

The image now comes of the NYC skyline…perhaps she lived in Manhattan.

if this means anything to you, please contact me.

Ghost tours at Historic Cold Spring Village will be every Friday in October at 7:00 pm.

Staff members will lead guests by lantern light through the shaded, shell-lined paths of the Village, stopping along the way at our restored historic buildings to speak of the mysterious spectral happenings reported by our staff and revealed by paranormal investigation teams. Ghost walks depart from the Route 9 Gatehouse at 7pm. Admission is $15 per person. Tickets will be available at the gate, but space is limited and advance purchase is strongly encouraged. Please call (609) 898-2300 ext. 10 to purchase tickets.


Spirit Voices! 9/24/15


Today I’m receiving the impressions of a young man…late teens or early twenties, with long dark hair and a few tattoos….he was a victim of a motorcycle accident, but that was not the cause of death….he was partially disabled by the accident and went of to become addicted to painkillers, and finally to heroin, which lead to and overdose. He wasn’t quite ready to leave his body at the time, and wanders around his living space, and also tries to communicate with his family and friends. I get the word “Rosemont” and the name “Jack”.  He affects electrical appliances in his house, trying to make contact. He seems trapped as if I a dreams state. He’s afraid to love on as he left something unsaid to his father…there is a feeling of guilt around him.

If this makes any sense to you, please Contact me.


I still don’t have confirmed dates for the ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village, but should have them soon!

Spirit Voices! 9/22/15


Today I have the image of a compartment on a train, a family is traveling back to the father’s childhood, home. I have a man and a woman with two children a boy and a girl. It seems the Spirit communicating is the man. He is remembering the last trip his family took before his death.  He passed shortly after this trip from a heart attack. The trip took place in the wintertime. The man is taller with dark hair and eyes…he owned his own business…it feels as if he were a contractor. He was in a bit of debt before his passing, and worries about his families ability to cope. He is reluctant to move on because of this worry. His passing wasn’t very far in the past…maybe last winter.

If this means anything to you, please contact me.


I am hoping to get the dates and times for the October ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village soon! I’ll have the information ASAP.