Spirit Voices! 9/21/15


Today I’m receiving impressions from the spirit of an old woman…she is very thin with white hair and seems to be in her 90’s. She is lonely as she passed with no family, and very few friends…she was reclusive in her later years, although when young, she was a dancer and acted on stage. I have the feeling that her heyday was in the 1920’s. In the early thirties she was victim of a botched abortion, and shortly after she began her decline into reclusiveness. She was of means early on, but her fortune dwindled until she passed from hunger, self neglect and poor health care…too prideful to ask for assistance. I get the name “Carnegie” and “Beekman” but I’m unsure of whether this related to her early career.

If any of this means anything to you, please contact me.

R. Scott

I will be conducting ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village on various dates in October…more info will be forthcoming!

Spirit Voices! 9/18/15


Today I’m receiving the image of a woman, very young with long, straight, blonde hair…she is at play with two very young children, a boy and a girl. They are at the beach and she tosses them a beach ball. She passed away due to an accident at her work place..an office…I see electrical Sparks and the feeling of electrocution. An unexpected accident..faulty wiring. She seems only in her early 30’s. I get the name “Amanda”. She watches over her children that are now much older. Butterfly’s appear when she’s near them. She is concerned that the boy is on the wrong path and seems agitated about it. Her husband has remarried. I get the word “Tonka” …. And the place name “Keesport”.

If this means anything to you, please contact me.


just a reminder, I will be at the Gilded Festival at Historic Cold Spring Village
tomorrow and Sunday, in the Dennisville Inn…hope to see you there!

Spirit Voices! 9/17/15


Today I’m receiving the impression from a man in his 60’s…he seems to have passed from some type of cancer that was left untreated, because he was too stubborn to see a doctor. I get the name “James” and the name “Elizabeth”. He was an avid recreational fisherman, and a man’s man, hence the reluctance to consult a doctor. He left behind 5 sons…and a bounty of debt. He is unwilling to pass on as he left his family in such a state. I get the place name “Marshallville” and something about the word “beaver” maybe beaver dam. It seems he spends a lot of time trying to attract his family’s attention. He leaves change and makes strange noises in the house. I get the impression of a springer spaniel as well.

if any of this makes any sense,please contact me.

R. Scott

Just a reminder that I will be at Historic Cold Spring Village on the 19th and 20th for the Gilded Festival…I will be in the Dennisville Inn.


Spirit Voices! 9/16/15


Today I’m receiving messages from a man in his 70’s…thin, white, with dark hair and a thick mustache. He was a veteran of the Vietnam conflict and was plagued with many mental issues due to the war. My impression is that he lost a leg, but I’m unsure of whether is was lost in battle or later in life. I’m suspecting it was later as I have the feeling that he suffered from diabetes. I get the name “Margie” associated with him…i believe that it was his wife, although they were estranged at the time of his death. He passed in a VA hospital, with no family attending to him. Sad and lonely to the end he seems to be reaching out to anyone who cares.

If this means anything to anyone, please contact me.

I will be at the Gilded Festival at Historic Cold Spring Village on Sept. 19th and 20th. I will be interpreting the Dennisville Inn, but will be available to answer any question you may have about my Psychic Services. Hope to see you there!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 9/14/15


Today I’m receiving the image of a man…very frightened…standing on the ledge of a building and preparing to Jump…he is Asian or Indian, and he is thinking about his children and his family at home…I feel that he is at work, but is either despondent over a situation, or extremely worried. I’m not getting depression around him though…I’m getting the image of fire, and a great deal of smoke. He may be avoiding being burnt in a fire and contemplating jumping rather than a worse fate. I’m now getting the image of a stone temple…seems Thai to me so that may be the man’ s place of origin. I get the words “eastern front” and the image of a plane.

If any of this means anything to you, please contact me.

This Saturday and Sunday I will be at Historic Cold Spring Village assisting as an interpreter in the Dennisville Inn…this is for the Guilded Festival…a steampunk fest. I’ll be giving information as well on my Psychic and mediumship readings. Hope to see you there!


Spirit Voices! 9/10/15


Today there is a woman trying to communicate…she were drowned in a boating accident somewhere in the Caribbean….I feel as if there was some type of foul play involved, but I am unsure of the details…this would have happened 30 years ago or so. I get the name “Vicky” and an image of the back of the boat with the letters “Mars….” I only get those 4 letters and can’t make out the rest of the name. I get the place name ” Tortuga”  my impressions is that the accident was blamed on alcohol intoxication, but that there was something other than alcohol in the woman’s system. The man is still living.  Seems he is the CEO of some rather large company and that he’s remarried.  Details of the death have been covered up.

If any of this means anything to you, please contact me…

I will be at Historic Cold Spring Village on the 19th and 20th of September, at the Dennisville Inn doing the historic Interpretation of the Inn as well as some Spirit Communication, please stop by for their Guilded festival!


Spirit Voices! 8/28/15


Today I’m receiving the impressions of a woman from Philadelphia. The name “Stella” comes through and I get “Christian Street”. She is of Italian extraction. I get fleeting images of her as both heavy-set and then painfully thin, as if an illness took her vitality. I’m receiving the name “Joe” or “Joseph” associated with her and I see her making some type of holiday cookies or desserts. She passed in her house and has never left. The house is no longer owned by her family, and she seems confused. I feel as if she is very protective of a child now living in her home…she seems to relate to the child as if it was her own child. The family in the house isn’t aware of her presence, but the child is.

Her own family does however live not far from the house. She occasionally visits them as well, and leaves symbols of her visit in the form of coins and feathers. During life she was active in some type of Catholic charity…

if any of this means anything to anyone, please contact me.



Spirit Voices! 8/27/15


Today I have the impression of an elderly couple who passed within one day of each other. They had just returned from a vacation in the Caribbean, when the man was stricken with a heart attack…he died almost immediately, and the wife followed soon after…I have the feeling that she passed from a stroke. They were fated to be together…they had been together since they were very, very young, and possibly in many other lifetimes. There is the name “Ruth” …I get a connection to Philadelphia…somewhere in the Northeast, perhaps Mayfair. There are children and grandchildren, who are still in shock over their deaths. I feel that they had traveled extensively, Throughout Europe and the United States. I get the image of an anchor…possibly relating to travel by ship.  I also get the image of a collie and a beagle.

If any of this makes sense to anyone, please contact me….R.Scott


Spirit Voices 8/26/15


Today I have the Spirit of a woman, in her early 40’s….she was a free spirit In life. She was one who moved to the beat of a different drum. I get the impression that she passed due to some type of cancer that was fast spreading…she really didn’t have the time or the inclination to get her affairs in order before she died. She left behind a daughter, whom she loved well, but because of her free spirited ways, didn’t often do the things for her daughter that should have been done, at least from her perspective. The daughter grew up fine though.

I get the name “Julia” …I’m not sure whether that is her name or her daughters. She seems to have enjoyed yoga. I get the impression that she led a macrobiotic lifestyle, and it was a complete sunrise that she developed cancer.

I do feel that at one point she visited England and loved London.

If she had any regrets, it would be that she didn’t think that she was always there for her daughter.

If this makes any sense to anyone, please contact me…R.Scott

Spirit Voices! 8/25/15


Today I am receiving the image of a young boy, tragically killed while riding a bicycle…he is about 9 or 10 years old. He has light hair and blue or green eyes.  It seems he was trying to cross the street and thought he could get across before a car came…he didn’t make it.

It seems he comes around his family quite often and he is with a dog…I’m thinking a German Shepard. I get the name “Whildin” . I get the impression that the accident happened in summer, and it didn’t happen recently. The image of a small mom and pop store comes through…perhaps the boy frequented this place.

if this means anything to anyone, please contact me….R.Scott