Spirit Impressions 7/9/15



Today I have a man in his early fifties, recently departed. He has greying hair and a mustache, and wears glasses. He has many children surrounding him, but none are biologically his. There are many pets as well. He passed suddenly possibly from a heart attack or stroke. I see fields of wheat so there likely a connection to the Midwest. I get the name “Sue” and also the name “Tyler” and “Dan”…there is the symbol of a key, and the image shifts to a fierce thunderstorm with lots of lightening in a mountainous area.

If this makes sense to anyone, please contact me.

Spirit Impressions 6/25/15


Today we have a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes, he is tall with a stocky build…he’s wearing sideburns. He is 23 or 24 years old. I get the impression of a motorcycle accident. The name “Michael” comes through.  There is a dark country road…wooded on both sides. It is foggy with a drizzling rain. A car pulls out in front of the motorcycle, and it ends quickly…I get the words “Nola” and “brothers”. An image comes through of a heavyset older man, smoking a cigar-perhaps the man driving the car. Next comes the image of a fishing boat and the name “Lee”.

if this has any relevance to anyone, please contact me…


Spirit messages 6/21/15


Today I have a man with silver grey hair and a dark mustache. He is wearing a well-tailored dark suit. He appears with a stylish woman with long, straight, light hair. They appear to be at a reception, or perhaps a political event. It is the man who is in Spirit. …there are secrets around him. It feel s as if he passed violently before those secrets could be revealed. I do feel however that the woman (his wife?) knew many of those secrets. I get the name “Gerald” …he seems quite distressed. ..I see an old water tower, wooden…it seems that the man’s body is somewhere near that tower. ..it has never been found.

if this makes any sense to anyone, please contact me.

Messages from Spirit 6/17/15


Today we have a woman in her fifties…she has jet black hair and is tall and thin with a pale complexion. She is surrounded by at least 5 cats, but her home is neat. She appears very lonely, with few family around her. She passed suddenly for a heart attack or stroke, but was not found for 5 days. I get the name “Irma” …she is reaching out to her sister as they were estranged at the time of her death…she has forgiven all…I get the town ” Boca Raton” and an image of the beach. I see a keychain shaped like a barefoot and the image of a bank, with a safe deposit box.

if any of this has any relevance to you, please contact me.

Spirit messages 6-15/15


Today we have a middle aged man, dressed in turn of the century clothing…1890-1900. He is in a Victorian style entryway, with a long dark hall leading to the front door of the house. Outside the door we see a ginkgo tree and a white picket fence. There is a Queen Anne style house across the street. I get the number “123”  and the name “Jackson”.  The name “Emily” comes through and I see a young girl in her teens. She is dressed in late Victorian fashion.  There is also a boy named “Todd” or “Tad” ..the name “Eldredge” comes through.  Based on the names, this seems like Cape May, but I’m not completely sure.

if this means anything to anyone, please contact me.

Messages from Spirit 6/12/15


Today we have a young girl, about 5-7 years old. She has long straight blonde hair and is carrying a steiff teddy bear. She is dressed in a plaid, short dress and is wearing maryjane shoes. She appears outside of a suburban home-it is summertime. The image now shifts to a hospital room. The child is in bed with and IV and oxygen. It’s seems that she is being treated for leukemia. …I get the name “Margie”. There is an older brother in the room with her…”Jack” … She is wanting to tell the loved ones she left behind, that she’s ok, and is here with grandmom.

If this makes sense to anyone, please contact me…

Spirit messages 6/11/15


Today we have a tall, stocky built man, with dark hair and a dark mustache. He is in his late 40’s. He is dressed semi-professionally. He worked in the insurance industry, possibly fire underwriting.  The names “Charles” or “Chuck” come through…I also get the name ” Donna” possibly his wife. I’m getting the image of an old family bible with the name “Eckherdt” I’m getting the feeling of a pain in the upper right chest, and difficulty breathing…possible lung problems. There is some connection to San Diego, Ca. I see 2 gold hearts entwined … The image shifts to a cliff side on the ocean, someone diving in the water. Two children are left behind, one more is with him.

If this makes sense to anyone, please contact me…


Spirit impressions 6/10/15


Today we have a tall, older man, in his early eighties…he has thinning grey hair and wears thick glasses…he’s wearing very unassuming dress. I get the name “Myron” or “Marvin” …the name “Isabel” also comes through. The image shifts to a farm house with very few trees surrounding it. There is a small tree in the back yard…the man shows me a can of money buried under the tree. I get the impression that this was a long time ago, possibly the 30’s or 40’s. The image shifts again to the present time, a view of the same farmhouse, but now with many houses around it. There aware also more trees. The tree in the back yard is now full grown and there is an arrow pointing toward the base of the tree. I’m not sure of the location of this house, but I feel as if it is going to be torn down soon. The man seems desperate for someone to find the money.

If this means anything to anyone, please contact me..

Messages from Spirit 6/9/15


Today we have the image of a woman-“Tess” or “Theresa”. She is in her mid fifties, with short, curly ash blonde hair. She is wearing glasses and a cardigan sweater. “Schoolteacher” …images come of a darkened room, and then the images shift to a woman in a nun’s habit. Another woman comes “Angie” or “Angela”. I get the word “Bismark” and the image of a tea cup and saucer. Next comes the image of a priest- the name “O’Malley” and an image of last rites being given.  The names “Buddy” and “Michael” come through.  Now the words “St. Mary’s” …I see rows of tombstones. I get the words “Pain in the bones-bone cancer” …next comes an image of a man with stigmata …”Padre Pio” (?)

if these images mean anything to anyone, please contact me….


Impressions from Spirit 6/8/15



Today we have images of a marsh, there is a large concrete pit in the marsh filled with brackish water. Seagulls hover above.  I see a beach nearby and people walking dogs. There is a youngish man with dark hair and a beard walking a black lab. The gulls are diving at the dog. I get the name “Jack” or “Jackie” and the image of a copper coin- an Indian head penny. The point of view shifts back to the concrete pit- there is algae or moss growing on the walls and a bit of graffiti painted in blue. Something is in the deep water, but I’m unsure of what it might be. I see a storm coming in the distance and images of fire. A woman walks the dunes, calling out…the wind blows fiercely,

the image now shifts to a birthday celebration for a young child. There is a birthday cake and balloons. The numbers “3” and “7” come through and the image of “underdog” ” twelve times twelve” and the name “Jodi”.


If any of these images makes sense to anyone, please contact me…