Spirit messages 5/5/15

Today’s energies: Compound energies, much better than yesterday-changes occurring…love is beginning to bloom for many.


I have a woman, Vicky, dark hair appearing younger. she is showing me 2 children, a boy and a girl…she shows me a suburban street, kids playing…summertime…I’m seeing an auto accident, Damage to the throat area…2 names Jason and Jennifer….She’s around her children all of the time….I get Freeport, Maine…


I have a Jim Bardwell, older man, greying hair…Lung trouble,,,,2 sisters left behind an a son. James Jr…Message ” Protect the house, don’t the them tear it down”  I’m also getting hidden money and 200.

Today’s messages…5/4/15

Energies today are ok, but still a bit reckless…finances paramount in focus!


I have images of a waverunner and then a man named John, recently departed…fireman…134 Frontenac…Peaceful parting…a small child, Melissa….15 birds…reaching out to brother…”you couldn’t get here any faster” …peaceful.

The second image is of a middle aged woman, Mary…layinjg in bed…consumption…not at rest…sanitarium..repeating over and over “where’s my baby?” Bloomington.

If any of these messages mean anything to anyone, contact me and I’ll try to get more….


Today’s Spirit Impressions…

Energies today are defeating…strong, wild and unpredictable…use caution!


First Spirit is a young man, dark hair and mustache, Erik…I see the World Trade Center, 911 …Windows on the World restaurant…Image of the man falling….the word “winter” strong Image…then the image of a cat..and the word “tabby”. The name Simone comes next, the Brooklyn and Naragansett…the word “reticulated” and the message “something else is coming”


Second Spirit is also a man, lying on a beach, but I cannot see his face. I get the word “lippincott” and the name Michael Lang…Image of flip flops and a coppertone sign. Next an image of a pony…the message is “Michelle, you should marry him!”

If these images make senser to anyone, please contact me and i will try to get more..

Spirit Impressions…

Energies today are mixed…fluctuating wildly, but should be calming toward the end of the day….don’t over think things today…Spirits are close today.


Today I have a young man in his early 20’s, He passed during the last two years. He has light hair and a mustache. he’s wearing sunglasses, hes wearing a watch…seems important… Ryan or Brian…a little girl left behind…drug abuse surrounds him…3 O’ clock, 2 shelves…Now images of mermaids, nautical things…perhaps a fisherman. Message to grand mom “I didn’t mean to do it…I’m ok”

Second image…young black male, thin and tall…accidental shooting by a friend…William…wrong place at wrong time…3 children left behind…message to girlfriend “I’m here all the time, I turn the lights off in the babies room”…215 Oak ave.

If any  of these messages mean anything to you, please contact me and I’ll try to get more impressions for you.

Messages from Spirit…

Energies today are more calming than they have been lately…I still feel them fluctuating so remain on your guard for sudden upheavals.


Spirits coming through this morning:

Images of a man walking through a circus ground. Dark hair cut in a fifties style. White t shirt and khaki pants…now he is older….Leo…”sandwich king”… Papers, railroad…behind cupboard. Money hidden as well.

Associated name: Sarah

Now is an image of a clipper ship..man dressed in captains uniform 19th century…Ezekiel…Bright…now a house with sunburst over the door…”walks in shame”

associated names : Desdemona, Letitia.

This Spirit seems to be stuck in the house he lived in….may be here in the Cape May area..

if if any of these messages mean anything to anyone, please contact me.






Messages for today…

Energies today feel fairly positive, but there are indications of shifting energy fields…be on your guard!


Todays impressions from beyond:

I have a man, in his late thirties, early forties- a teacher, stocky build, dark thinning hair and a goatee. His message is “Take care of Kayla”

associated images: a golden retriever and a beach ball.


I also have a woman…African american, thin,  elderly…she is sipping coffee…I know there are three children of concern to her,  most likely grandchildren….I see a baby boy, but now full grown-college age- the woman is worried that the boy is about to make a bad decision, possibly a marriage that’s too soon…I’m getting the name Markus.

if any of these images make sense to anyone, please contact me, and I’ll try to get more info….

Today’s Impressions…



First message today is from a woman with grey hair…thin, frail…possibly named Margaret…sitting in a fifties style kitchen….impression of cherries…I believe she is trying to reach out to a Sam…she is writing a note..(milk delivery  ?) then the impression of a boxing ring…

The second impression is from a man..a doctor or someone in the medical field….youngish in his 40’s…dark hair and thin…heart attack.  Associated names: Myra, Goldstein…something about a cat…then images of bubbles….a gold chain with a Jewish symbol perhaps L’chaim.

If these impressions mean anything to anyone, please contact email!

Today’s messages…

Energies today seem slightly less scattered then they were yesterday, but be on your guard! Things can change on a dime!
I’m getting two strong impressions today…the first is of a structure fire…one that at first seemed as if it were a convenience store or gas station, but may in fact be a home. Th Spirit coming through is female, thin, short reddish curly hair and glasses…clothing seems to be from the late 70’s or 80’s….I get the words Seagrove and Sand dollar. The associated names are Robin and Marion….she seems to be trying to reach a family member who is having a baby…trying to tell her she is very happy about this.

The second impression is not as strong…I get the name Robert Boswell….a choking feeling, possibly throat cancer. He appears to be in his late 70’s…I get the associated names of Liddy or Elizabeth….and a child names Jemma.

Again if any of these impressions make sense to anyone, please contact me and I’ll try to get a message through.

Something different…messages from beyond

I’ve decided to do something a bit different today. A bit of daily observance and some messages from beyond…


Energy levels today seem scattered. I’m sensing an energy that can be both uplifting and also a bit dangerous if you’re prone to obsessive thoughts. The best way to manage these energies is to go with the flow. There is no need to obsess…things will happen in their own time,,,

There a re two Spirits coming to me this morning…One is a WW1 soldier who tells me that he was killed in Bruges..His name is possibly Jake or Jacob and seems related to a local family here in Cape May, NJ…He is trying to get through to a Hannah…His message is unclear, but I do know it has something to do with his manner of death…there is mustard gas, and a feeling of choking, but also a volley of gunfire. I believe the truth of his death was miss recorded.

The second is a police officer killed in the line of duty..for some reason he’s clutching his throat and wants to say that the person accused of his murder is not the one who is ultimately responsible, although he did commit the act. This officer seems young, perhaps in his late 20’s or early 30’s…I cannot get a name…but his wife’s name would be Julie. he keeps saying tell Julie over and over. There is also the name Liam.

Those are the messages for this morning…If any of these messages make sense to you please contact me …I hope to be able to do this on a daily basis….R.Scott




We are Stardust!

We are Stardust!


We exist as morphic resonance.

We are made of the stuff of the cosmos…stardust, from the great shattering of the cosmic egg.
Grace is the driver of hope. Self-actualization requires exploration. This life is a maturing transmission of perennial freedom.

Stagnation is the antithesis of transcendence. You may be ruled by ego without realizing it. Do not let it exterminate the knowledge of your path. Discontinuity is born in the gap where truth has been excluded.

You will soon be aligned by a power deep within yourself — a power that is karmic, non-dual.

The Universe is calling to you via astral energy. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are divine, stardust!  If you have never experienced this reintegration at the quantum level, you soon shall!!

How should you navigate this spiritual Universe? Entity, look within and inspire yourself. Have you found your circuit?